French sculptor (and painter and photographer and choreographer and art collector and…) Bernar Venet has set my new life goals. A seventeen acres piece of land in the town of Le Muy, France, containing beautiful nature, pine trees, a waterfall and a beautiful mansion with pool and several patios in the shade. Add to that an art collection with some fantastic minimalist pieces (amongst which not one, but two James Turrell installations), displayed next to a vast collection of his own works.
The main part of Venets work consists of corten steel elements that are arranged in certain ways. For example: a number of identical arcs placed behind each other, one long straight line positioned in a certain angle or seemingly chaotic collapsed elements (with Venet himself driving the forklift to topple the elements over).
I visited the foundation (@venetfoundation) in the scorching Provence heat a couple of weeks back, on one of the weekly guided tours that you can participate in. Stay tuned for more from this truly magic and beautiful place.
👨🎨 Bernar Venet (b. 1941)
🖼️ 217.5° arcs x 18 (2022)
🏛️ Venet Foundation