David Rickard in Museum Kranenburgh


This is one of three artworks by New Zealand artist David Rickard (@david_rickard_) in the new exhibition “Lucht” (“Air”) in Museum Kranenburgh (@museumkranenburgh). The work is called “A roomful of air”. The concrete blocks on the pallet represent the exact weight of all the air in the room it is in, obviously in a much smaller footprint. The massive blocks create a very explicit contrast to the transparent air.
Rickard in the past did the same thing with lead blocks, which contrast in size even more than these cinder blocks.

Thanks to museum staff for pointing out to me the pallet truck and empty pallet aren’t actually part of the artwork. 😉 The museum was still applying some final touches to the exhibition when I previewed it. I guess they would be a nice addition though.

The exhibition “Air” (“Lucht”), containing works by Ai Wei Wei (@aiww), Jan van Munster (@jan_van_munster), Marina Abramovic & Ulay, Yoko Ono (@yokoonoofficial), Elpeth Diederix (@miraclegardening) amongst others opened this week and is on view until the end of November.

👨‍🎨 David Rickard (b. 1975)
🖼️ A roomful of air (2020)
🏛️ Museum Kranenburgh (@museumkranenburgh)
🎟️ Lucht (Air)
📅 July 8 – November 29