Do Ho Suh in LAM

The Lisser Art Museum, LAM for short (@lam_museum), has rapidly become one of my favourite museums in The Netherlands today. Every box ticked: a beautiful new building in a green park, a collection to die for and super friendly staff. The private museum is funded by the Vandenbroek Foundation, founded by former supermarket ceo Jan van den Broek. The collection is centered around the concept of food and the representation of food and consumption in art. A concept that allows for a much wider variety of art than you’d think at first glance. A highly recommended museum visit!

I had a hard time deciding which work to post first. This stove by Do Ho Suh is my personal favourite, some others will follow over the next couple of days.

Do Ho Suh is a Korean artist who was fascinated by architecture from a young age. Inspired by the way people relate to their living situation, he started to explore the meaning of “home”. In the series “Hub” he connected live size reproductions (i.e. memories) in wire and cloth of several rooms from different houses he lived in in Seoul, New York, London and Berlin as one long passage. Museum Voorlinden (@voorlinden) had a beautiful exhibition of these works in 2019. Check #dohosuhmuseumview to see my posts about it.
In the series “Specimens” he did the same for particular items inside his houses, like the toilet, an air conditioner, a bathtub and parts of his kitchen. Like this stove.

👨‍🎨 Do Ho Suh (b. 1962)
🖼️ Stove, Apartment A, 348 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10011, USA (2013)
🏛️ LAM
🎟️ Permanent collection