Job Koelewijn at De Pont Museum

Time doesn’t stand still.

This installation by Dutch artist Job Koelewijn was on my “to shoot” list ever since I saw it being put together back in June 2020. A cute little shop filled with all kinds of clocks pendulates like a clockwork on its own, hanging from steel beams.

Job Koelewijn only decided to become an artist when recovering from a serious road accident. He studied at the Gerrit Rietveldacademie (@rietveldacademie). A show at Galerie Fons Welters (@fonsweltersgallery), an award for emerging artists from the Prins Bernhard @Cultuurfonds and two appearances at the Venice Biennale amongst others gave him early recognition. Several Dutch and Belgian museums have works by Koelewijn in their collections. Among them De Pont Museum (@de_pont_museum) that held a large solo exhibition in 2008, with “time” being a major theme.

I took my chance while visiting “National Chain 2020/Social Practices” (@nationalchain_socialpractices) from my previous post to get the tripod shots I needed for this merge of 3 shots, capturing the motion of the work in one still image.

This is a shot I took earlier when the work was being installed on June 14, 2020.

👨‍🎨 Job Koelewijn (b. 1962)
🖼️ Clockshop (2003)
🏛️ De Pont Museum